Friday, May 28, 2010
Phantasmagoria Chapter 1 part 14
“I am Mira Lycoris, 2nd year high school, Valedictorian and leading student in Gaia.” After Mira end her introduction, Cromwell ask her, “Are there any thing else beside the things you mention? Miss Lycoris.” She was dumb found about his question for the moment, then sudden turn red when she remember it and said, “There is one, I am the founder and the president of the Bed Making club.” Everybody blush including the girls seeing her shy cute face when saying her added introduction. Cromwell break the mood by single clap then said, “Ok, since everyone introduce each other, lets begin all the subject you all take, then after that all of you will be going to there designated quarters, if you going back to the surface, you’ll need my permission or Evangeline permission, because she will be our temporary class president, are there complains? None!? so let begin class.” (HEY! We didn’t get our chance to say it!) Everyone was angry in mind except Mira who seem happy not to take the responsibility. After class they when to their private quarters to sleep, while sleeping, Mira appear again in the same place where Vane reside. “Good Evening, Mira, How your temporary class and classmate are?” as usual, he give her some head ache by remembering Cromwell, “tch, Why you have to ask?” She ask him, “Because I can help you in a way that no other person can and I am your master, who train you to become the woman you are now.” He said that with a spark of Charisma on his face, “sigh, Ok, I’ll talk, my problem for today is Sir Cromwell, he act a bit like you Vane.” He smile and put his hand on his chin then said, “~Oh my~, if we meet, we might become good friends, and talk all kinds of thing behind anybody’s, like Mira for example.” After saying that he imagines about it happily, that make her angry at him, “THAT WON’T GOING TO HAPPEN!! Because you are…” She realize what she about to say then Vane ask, “Because…What?” Mira stare at him angry eyes and said, “Your nothing but a pervert!” He smile and said, “Me? A pervert!? If I’m one as you speak then your also pervert.” Mira look more angrier than before but on Vane’s point of view, she cute in a way, “Ok, ok, I was just kidding, come have some tea before it gets cold.” Mira thought deep about her really going to say, that he is nothing more than a dream, she afraid to say it to Vane, but even she doesn’t say it, Mira might no longer dream about him one day. After that, Mira explain everything what happen today and he said, “Mira, If Cromwell said his going to let all of your class to take all subject, then there might be a possibility that the whole class will take combat training, because that his forte subject.” She was surprise about Vane’s conclusion, “What!? Isn’t that subject is for Military club only?” Vane look at her with serious eyes and said, “Mira, if you were to take a combat training lesson, then you must show only your average skill, so they won’t suspect you, as much as possible, try your best to keep a low profile.” After she listen his advice, Mira never thought that possibility would come so soon.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Phantasmagoria Chapter 1 part 13
The next student stand up, He have a brown hair, wearing glasses and seem silent type person and said “I am Jurei Writer, President of the literature club, 3rd year high school and 3rd rank for being a bachelor in Gaia, that all.” He sit down without any expression, Cromwell seem worried on something (“Jurei Writer, whose the Valedictorian of the third year high school, but his background status is a mystery that curious me who he really is? But if I got too close it might be dangerous since I only have little info of him”) without saying his opinion, he call the next student, (“What!? Sir Cromwell skips his sarcastic talk to Jurei? Its look like he found his match) Mira smile in her thoughts while the next student about to introduce himself, I am Reed West, 2nd year high school, 5th Dan in Aikido and Karate, I won the national tournaments last year and that will be my last tournament.” Cromwell ask him, “Why do you say it your last? Mr. West.” He reply, “because of a certain accident, not long ago, I unable use my right arm properly.” He show the bandages on his right arm as a proof that he can’t go to any tournaments, but Cromwell ask again, “Even your injured that does not mean you can’t fight, right?” Reed smile happily and said, “I was told not to go a fighting tournament, however I can still fight without my right arm, if it’s mean battle for life and Death, then surely I will fight to the death.” He show a fighting the whole class, (“What a warrior he is…”) Cromwell comment on himself then call the next student. The next student is wearing a all white coat like a doctor and he carrying a laptop with him and said, I am John Kruschev, I’m the president of the robotics and technology, as far as I know, I become popular from creating a Nano machine called “Yggrasil”. Cromwell ask him, “What Yggrasil can actually do, Mr. Kruschev?” He answer his question, “As you all know, I made the Yggrasil to enhance the body and to cure all impossible ailments in the medical world, however it’s still under observation so it not given to the government or anyone but me.” Cromwell ask again, “So it’s under observation, then where is it now, since most of your things are already transfer here.” John reply him with a sad eyes, “to tell you the truth, Yggrasil are only use once, and the experiment is me.” Everybody look at John surprise, even Cromwell is surprise about it. “So please can we not talk about it any further.” Cromwell nodded and thought of it, (“kids this day are really interest indeed.”) He calls the next student, it was Evangeline turn to introduce, “I am Evangeline Von Atlas, to my background and status you all know already, and so that’s all.” (“What a short introduction!!”) Everyone thought of that clearly, and at last was Mira’s turn for introduction.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Phantasmagoria Chapter 1 part 12
He start to introduce himself, “Hello everyone, I am Cromwell Velvet, I will be your home room teacher and your all subject teacher for now, you can call me Sir Cromwell for now on, are we clear?” Everybody stand and said “yes sir!!” Cromwell Velvet, who is known in Gaia as the Extreme Club advisor of the Military club, does not teach any class only teach in the club, he is one of the teacher that is very dangerous because the way of his think and mysterious. Right now, Cromwell pick up the attendance sheet and said, “Oh my, this is a first time to teach a class, and I haven’t given you guys a chance to introduce yourselves, go now introduce yourselves, at least it save me time to check your attendance hehe.” Doing it with a smile (Is He for really!!!) The whole class is shouting with anger in there thoughts, but Mira realize something in him (Cromwell Velvet, his personally is close to Vane yet he seem not that insane.) She remembers the time when Vane gives her first match, “Mira! Make sure you can make it squeal in pain!” then he laugh so evil. (Yup, that kind of a person should be) Mira return to her sight to Cromwell while he is waiting to somebody introduce first and said, “look like nobody want to introduce first, so I’ll pick one.” He points his finger and said, “Ok, you go first pretty boy.” The blonde hair guy stands up and said, “I am Martin Mackenzie, 2nd year high school, and the most popular male in Highland News.” (The school news paper in Gaia) Then made a handsome pose that charmed many girls, but Cromwell break his charisma by saying this, “Oh really, No wonder you have more guys around you than girls that the news paper says.” Martin become pale and said, “What are you getting at?” He smiles at Martin then look away, that make him shock by his personality. Cromwell pick the next student, she have a elegant look but it seem have a terrible personality and said, “I am Sarah Scarlet, 2nd year high school, as you all commoners know, my family own a oil refinery and is the one of the leading company in Ether.” After she finish her Cromwell add a little oil to the fire, “So you mean to are popular because your family and I thought you popular for being a nasty hag, Oh man.” Sarah is burning in anger and said, “Why to you think of that Sir Cromwell…” He instance point at Martin after he just recovers from the shock that Cromwell gave, “MARTIN MACKENIZIE!! You’re going to learn a rough lesson!” Martin gone pale and said, “Wai.. Wait! What did I do wrong!? And what that whip, Hey! I said wai.. , GYAAAAAAAH!” Sarah punishing the innocent Martin merciless, Cromwell just smile happily and does to the next student.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Phantasmagoria Chapter 1 part 11
The time has come that Mira will be place at a different class, where the other popular students are there too. Giovanni guide Mira to area 0, there said to be the place where the military club train and the Main control room of Gaia. Mira descend under Gaia with Giovanni, “welcome to area 0 also known as Tartarus Control, here in level 1 of area 0, where the military club training field.” Mira saw other student taking a crash course, others practice there marksmanship and other being punish by running around there whole level 1. Giovanni call out her, “Miss Lycoris! Over here, were going to level 2, where the others are.” They descend again; this time is level 2 of area 0. The place is different than the level 1, it’s quieter. “This level is a former interrogation place, where some are use to torturing prisoner or spy, now it’s a quiet place for protecting VIP in Gaia, like the mayor’s son.” Giovanni explain it to her, “here we are Miss Lycoris.” Giovanni use a ID card to open the door, a bright light gusting out of the room then when clear to see, she saw 5 people sitting in different places. Mira counted six people in the room include herself, then she ask Giovanni, “Teacher Webner, there are only six of us here, where is the 7th person?” what she know that there are seven popular people in Gaia and there all student, then he replies, “She will be here shortly, and you all know very well who she is.” Mira and other people in the room knew whose Giovanni talking about. Then suddenly arrival of the 7th student in the room, She come like a high ranking soldier but have a princess like appearance, majestic and beauty. Giovanni greet the late comer, “Your late, Miss Evangeline Von Atlas.” Everybody knew her because she is the daughter of the principal and second to the best student, who happened to be Mira’s unknown rival. She looks at him and said, “Sir Giovanni, please call Eva, I don’t like being called on my long name, only father does call me that all the time.” Giovanni nodded to her then he face to Mira and said, “Since I won’t be your home room teacher here, I’ll be going back, take care Mira.” He immediately leaves the room and meets the home room teacher of that room, “Giovanni Webner, your leaving already? Why not stay for awhile.” He try to make Giovanni to stay but he decline and said, “ Its not my duty to take care of them and beside your much better in psychology than me, so I’ll leave the rest to you, Cromwell Velvet.” Giovanni gone back to the surface, while Cromwell enters the room to start the class, unknown what will happen.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Phantasmagoria Chapter 1 part 10
At late night Mira tell to Vane what is happened and ask for advice to help her, “If what you said is true, then you must act normal than you are!” Mira confuse what Vane just said, “normal!? I’m perfectly normal and there is nothing wrong with me, right!?” She complains what he said, “Mira, you are perfectly normal to any person point of view, however you have this.” Vane throw the unsheathe saber at her, “ah! Hey that was dangerous to throw a unsheathe saber like that!” He chuckle menacingly and said, “But to catch it with ease and without fear getting hurt, right?” sneer at Mira but she try to defend from Vane reason, “Its just lucky I catch it and I have talent for it hehe.” She try to laugh it off but Vane remind her, “Mira, did you forgot what happen when you at grade school and what you did back then.” Mira sulk and said, “Yes, I remember, it was summer back then.” Mira having a flashback from her past, when she was a grade school. At that time, Vane was teaching Mira the intermediate skill of the swordplay, He don’t know much about what Mira doing when she awake, so it was the right age to ask her, “Mira, when you wake up, can you tell me the detail what have you been doing.” Mira ask him “why?” And he replies, “So I can help you from your problem and be a better person.” He smile gentle at Mira and she ask this, “Why you care much?” Vane was surprise from what she ask and he answer it something else, “That’s a secret until you are the age of 18, I will tell you all about me, before that time comes, you need to listen everything I said ok.” Mira nodded and smile happily back at hit. At school in Ether grade school, where grade school student study before they are transfer to Gaia at the age 14 on middle school. At that time there were some middle school delinquents, who were about to transfer to Gaia by next month, they are try to search for trouble before they transfer. A kid from Ether grade school bump one of them, at the same time when Mira is walking with her friend to school, they saw the kid was getting beat up by 5 middle school delinquent near at there school. Mira tell her friend to call the teachers at school, while she tries to stop them somehow. Her friend quickly goes to school to call the teachers for help. Mira look around and found a pipe near by the trash, she pick it up and shout at the delinquents, “Hey, you big bullies, stop what you doing if you do not want to get hurt!” the delinquents laugh at her and one of them said, “ you? Hurt us!? Haha you got be kidding me.” Mira prepare her stance that gives the chill to the delinquents “Do not underestimate me for being a child.” At the time when Mira’s friend bring the teachers to the place where the delinquents are, they saw the 4 middle school delinquent are down on the ground, some are shaking in pain while the others are puking blood. The teachers were shock what they saw, the last delinquent stand shaking while have a knife pointed at Mira. One of teacher tries to call out Mira, “hey!! Get away from him, his…. Dangerous..?” The teacher saw there were no blood stains on the delinquent or on his knife, but Mira have some blood stains and the pipe she hold have blood dripping on the ground. The delinquent’s hand shaking in fear with his knife and said, “What… Who the hell are you!!” then he attack Mira, but she quickly swing her iron pipe, hitting the wrist make him unable to move his hand/hold the knife. He screaming in agony and Mira stare at him and said, “Whose feeling in pain right now.” Within a flash, Mira do three direct hits at his vital point, hearing the break of bone and puke blood, the last delinquent fall to the ground and Mira said to the fallen delinquents, “good thing you guy’s are still alive, if this blunt pipe were a sharp sword you all are dead, just suffer first then think what’s your life’s purpose for you, that what Vane told me.” After that the beaten up grade school was rescue however the 5 middle school delinquent were hospitalize for 4 month and Mira was transfer to other school at “Ether”, Vane heard everything from the crying Mira and she said, “What did I do wrong? Sob, sob.” Then he replies, “Mira everything have its right place to do, like calling the teacher to stop the delinquents was the right choice but using your swordplay against them was wrong, you only use it when your own life is endanger and not for others life, because they will misunderstand you, even its for the right thing to do. Mira promise me use your talent in sword, in this dream and only if you are endanger.” Mira nodded saying yes, After the flashback is back to the present then Vane suddenly ask her a favor, “Mira, try your best to keep a low profile when you are all gather.” Again she nodded saying yes unsure about the future ahead of her.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Phantasmagoria Chapter 1 part 9
Mira was shock to heard the truth what happen to the first year student, “Teacher Webner, if this truth then why tell the whole class a one big lie!?” Giovanni answer her question, “because there are two reasons, first is to avoid panic and the other to avoid the ruined of the reputation of Gaia.” Mira burst out her anger “Isn’t it a school job to protect the student in case of danger more than protecting its reputation!” He reply, “indeed is our job that why I am telling you this.” Mira was suddenly confuse what Giovanni said and he continue the conversation, “According to our latest investigation, the culprit seem aiming at only popular student at Gaia.” She just realizes something, “you mean this happened before!?” He response, “yes, it happen one year ago at the end of your first year term, we discover that body near the Arc bridge and do you know whose the victim is?” Mira seem to know whose the victim, “The victim’s name is Henry Brander, who also known as Henry the Ace Tech, he can fixes any kind of computer program in a matter of minutes.” Giovanni said the detail, “The cause of his death was a blunt wound on the head and seem like accident, but now there a new victim, who’s also a popular to the freshman, It all make sense, the culprit is in Gaia.” Mira think and ask, “the culprit is a student here, and kills the popular ones, out of jealousy.” Giovanni nodded and said, “Indeed that might be the motive but there are still others like rivalry/hatred, so for further investigation, all the popular student and top Aces in Gaia will put under in one class for protection and also to check if one of them is the culprit.” Mira grind her teeth and said, “Even with permission to investigate me and the other, this is against human rights of privacy.” She appealed but Giovanni said a reasonable answer, “If is a matter of protect the student, will do anything in our power to prevent the next victim, we might not know, you maybe the killer were looking for.” Giovanni made a bad joke on Mira that she seem worried what will happen to her.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Phantasmagoria Chapter 1 part 8
At midnight when the entire student is asleep, a guard was patrolling the area 7 to be sure there sleep on time at the curfew but some part of the area are dark because the new system is being install but the true is they only shutdown the electricity for less cost in the future, the guard already know it because of the rumor’s. He continue to patrol on the dark parts in the area to make sure there no one there, suddenly he hear a unusual dripping sound on the corner,(“look like there a water pipe leak or something, better check it out.”) the thought’s of the guard. He go there using his flashlight and he saw a crimson liquid on the floor, the guard knew what is it from the look’s and smell, “Blood!?” another drip of blood fall on the pool of blood, the guard look up and saw the lifeless body of a girl hanging like a fish on a hook that have her throat slit dripping blood on the ground. “What the…” the guard gets his radio to call the other and report to the principal what happen. Mean while at the same time inside Mira’s dream world, Vane seem to sense something, “hmm, look like a pitiful soul have died tonight.” Mira react what he said just now, “It might be a animal soul, right?” She said that while practicing her sword skill, “If it was an animal, I would ignore it” Vane give to Mira a straight answer, “you mean somebody in Gaia died!?” Mira suddenly stop practicing and remember what happen at her middle school days Vane tell her that somebody in the neighborhood have died, at the time she wake up, she hear a news about a man who was hit by car near by there house and that man died. After that day she believe Vane if he said that a pitiful soul have pass away. Vane continue to speak, “let be certain it’s a accident or died from a disease because if its something else, be on your guard Mira.” She was surprise to see Vane’s serious face, it somewhat scary and his eye’s were not a gentle but cruel deathly eye’s that seem he’ll kill anyone who steal his possession. “Mira, continue your practice or else I will give spank to your Butt.” She suddenly get angry then shout at him, “shut up! You pervert!” Vane is back to his normal personality that Mira knew. Morning at class, Giovanni announce that there been a accident that a first year student died from falling on area 7 near to a under constructed building and remind the whole class not to go to places that are off limit or not going out on curfew hours. Mira was relieve about the situation but Giovanni call her to his office, “what is it Teacher Giovanni?” Mira ask and he reply, “Miss Lycoris, the truth about what happen last night wasn’t a accident, its was a murder.”
Monday, April 12, 2010
Phantasmagoria Chapter 1 part 7
(“Why Teacher Webner is here?”) Ami ask Lyon with surprise look, (“Have Forgotten you idiot, he is our advisor since last year”) She answer her question, “Miss Lycoris, have finish it?” Giovanni ask Mira, (“finish what?”) Emily thinks what he said, “here’s what you order Teacher Webner.” Mira brings two big boxes out and Giovanni open the box and saw within his vision a bright light, “dazzle” “sparkle” “dazzle” “sparkle” “Beautiful!” He said. Does he take out from the box and it’s a Military Sleeping Bag, “That $ 500 all tax free.” Mira told the price and he give the money with pleasure, but Emily felt something wrong, “Teacher Webner, this is wrong; according to school rule and regulation this business transaction is illegal.” What Emily said was true however Giovanni said a odd sentence, “This is a not a business transaction, this is you’re club activity!” Emily became confuse until Mira explain to her about it, “Emily, the reason why the club is accepted because of this activity.” She still confuses what Mira said, and then she explains again in details this time, “Have heard about the rumor, that one school sponsor died in accident.” Emily reply, “yes, it’s was a week ago when that rumor first started.” Giovanni react then glare at her, “Ms Lycoris! Why have you spread that information, when I told you to keep it a secret?” Mira sight and said, “Even I keep it a secret somebody going to get suspicious about the curfew and turn off some area in Gaia.” Mira reasoning was absolutely correct, that’s why she spread that rumor to make the order in Gaia stable. “You sure think far ahead Miss Lycoris.” Giovanni complimented her, “Nah It’s not all my idea to do it.” Mira turn her back embarrass, “Then whose idea is it Mira?” Ask by Emily. She suddenly became quiet then the other two speak up, “he he, who else but her Mr. Dream Boy!!” Said by Ami, “and he his only the possible person I can think for giving advice to Mira.”Said by Lyon, “hey, don’t on conclusion you two.” She becomes so red while scolding her two friends, “Well if that’s all I’ll be going now, bye!” Giovanni make his exit out the club room, “well that all for today, by tomorrow let’s gather more members!” said by Mira and the other shout with agreement.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Phantasmagoria Chapter 1 part 6
A week has gone by at Gaia and the 2nd year high school students are recruiting new members for their clubs. All students in Gaia must enter a specific club, if a student fails to enter a club, he/she will be force to join a military club to train and discipline them for the whole school year. While the whole school are busy recruiting, Mira and Emily are making flyers to advertise there club. “um m… Mira” Emily talk to her, “what is it Emily?” Mira asks, “are we really going to give this kind of flyers?” Emily questions her, “what’s wrong with it?” Mira ask the problem, “you’re not going to get angry at me if I say it.” Mira nodded and said “I won’t get angry at you or somebody like you, except to sadistic mad man that will torture you by words!” then became furious mode just thinking of Vane but snap back to normal, “ So tell me what the problem?” Emily speak up the problem, “It’s the whole club is the problem and why it’s suppose to be anything about bed.” The Club is name “Bed making Club” and its activities are all about bed. Mira have a bitter smile and have a problem to answer Emily question but tell her answer thoughtfully, “For me, I made this club in order to rest peacefully and meet that man in my dreams.” Emily did not understand what she mean on her sentence, “meeting a man in your dreams?” She asks Mira, then she reply. “I do not know if you believe me but very time I sleep, I dream of him in a snowy place always waiting for me and do not how long I’m been dreaming of him.” Emily became curious & interest” about Mira’s dream and ask, “is it a dream that you look somebody like him or a premonition that you need to find that guy.” Mira answer her, “Nope, it isn’t like that, it’s more like a continuous dream that he greet you at the right time and ask how I am doing?” Emily a little confuses yet seems happy about it. After they finish making the flyers, the other two members arrive, “Hi! How you doing Mira, still having fun with the new member?” said by the energetic girl with a short hair, “hey, don’t misunderstand Mira, I’m sure she just teaching her some discipline for being a new member and all.” Said by the long hair girl with fine glasses, “Oh Emily do not listen what they saying, it will only confuse you.” Mira warned her while waving hand side wards, “you’re Emily Helen right?” Pointed by the hyper active girl then she introduces herself, “I am Ami Miranda, I’m responsible for bringing materials to make the bed and slumber party, yay!” The other member step forward and introduce herself with elegance “I am Lyon Beatrice; I’m responsible for the club budget and a follower of Mira.” After that, Emily about say something but interrupted by Ami comment, “hey, Lyon loosen up a little, your being too humble.” Lyon replies quickly, “and you’re too loose, you need some reform for being an airhead.” Ami became angry and said “Now you’re being a busy body, smarty pants!” They begin to argue each other that seem it will last forever, but Mira got annoyed from there argument, she suddenly get a mega phone out of nowhere and said, “WOULD YOU TWO BE QUITE!” Ami & Lyon heard it so loud and clear their ears start ringing, “Now let Emily give her thanks to us.” Emily is happy that Mira help and said, “thank you for letting me join this club, if not for Mira, I might be at the Military Club.” The two felt embarrass and they said, (Ami): “don’t sweat it”, (Lyon):” Yeah, if Mira is the one who recommend you, then be grateful.” All of them having a happy moments, then suddenly came the club Advisor, Giovanni Webner.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Gathering Data
Sorry but the other be delay do to issues and personal problem but it will be post short after I gather enough data
Thank you for visting this site.
Thank you for visting this site.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Phantasmagoria Chapter 1 part 5
Mira was surprise what the teacher said, “Can you repeat that to me?” She asks again, “Miss Lycoris like I said please take care of Miss Helena as your new room mate.” Mira is confuse what Giovanni said, “Why!?” She disagrees with her teacher, “Why? First, it’s because Miss Helena have no more room to stay at the dorm since she is force labor, her old room mate is already have a new partner and the second is you don’t have a room mate.” She seem to understand the logic but still disagree, “I know you wish to have a solo room for yourself as a valedictorian, however time have change. Last year, one of our sponsor die in accident and that what a great loss for this school, to keep the budget for education on going the board decide to keep the cost minimum.” Giovanni makes his point, “in other word the school is short on cash.” The teacher got struck by what Mira said then he reply, “Gulp, yes we don’t enough income to support the student that why were limiting every high cost including solo dorm room.” She sigh at school method of less cost, “I understand the situation, but how long till get my own room?” Mira asks her teacher, “I’m not sure how long, but I guess after the summer break things will be back to normal, so while waiting for that time please endure.” Mira was a bit irritated then she suddenly what Vane said to her, “Mira, always listen to one who teaches you, so you can learn and achieve your goal.” Mira was mesmerized at that time but Vane continue his sentence, “Of course it depend what kind of teaching like ******** and ********.” He laughs evilly, (“THAT GUY! Why do I remember that cynical advice of his.”) She release a strong aura of killing intent that the teacher can sense it very well, “a ah Miss Lycoris are you that serious about not having solo room, you’re not that serious, right?” Giovanni got scared from the killing intent that she gives off and not show any emotional expression. Somehow she snap back to reality and the killing intent disappear, “I understand teacher Webner, and I’ll take cake my new room mate, Emily Helena.” Mira agree with her teacher then leave the class room, (“hmm, I never thought Mira Lycoris have a strong killing intent than me like she already experience a battle, but that impossible her record are clean and only take basic training.”) Giovanni became curious of Mira. While heading to her dorm room, at the hall of the dorm Emily was waiting outside of their room. “Good evening, I’m..” Before she finish her sentence Mira speak up, “Emily Helena right, you have already introduces yourself twice on the bus & on the class, I don’t like repeating introducing.” Emily was a bit surprise from Mira speaking up, “It’s my turn to introduce myself, I am Mira Lycoris, I’ll be your room mate from now on, pleasure to meet you.” She give a hand shake to Emily then she reply, “Pleasure to meet too, Miss Lycoris.” Mira shook head and said “No no, don’t call me miss or my last name, just call me Mira, since were going to be room mate.” She was charm from the way Mira speak, (“Amazing, so this is a Mira like so…”) Mira suddenly stop at the door way and said “Oh I have one condition while sleeping, don’t disturbed my sleep ok?”
“y yes, Mira.” Emily gone so blue,(”So Scary!!”)
“y yes, Mira.” Emily gone so blue,(”So Scary!!”)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Phantasmagoria Chapter 1 part 4
“Everyone, May I have attention, were here now in the front gate of Gaia.” The Guide, Emily speak out loud to announce their arrival to Gaia, She wake up all those who are sleep specially Mira wake up from the loud announcement. “Welcome to Gaia.” When Emily said that on the timing of the gate opening, she start explaining the history of Gaia, “100 year ago, Gaia was build for a military fortress against the upcoming war, but after the war, Gaia was abandon because lack of fund to the soldier and maintenance however in the 50th year, when Ether is build, the city renovate the whole Island into a school Institute for student to learn without interference on outside world.” After the Bus enter Gaia, the bridge sink down to the sea and the gate close. The explanation continues, “Right now Gaia have eight area, area 1 is the main gate, where we exit or enter Gaia, area 2 is where the middle school level study, area 3 is where the high school level study, area 4 is where the college level study, area 5 is where worker training for 1 month and a helipad for transferring worker in-training by chopper, area 6 is a shopping district where you buy some school supplies or food, area 7 is a Girl’s dorm and area 8 is a boy’s dorm.” A screen display the area’s in the island and the size of it. It’s about 500 mile wide and has the shape to an Octagon. The Guide is about to speak her last announcement, “Too all student please go to their school levels for attendants and registration, Thank you for riding Gaia Transport.” The entire passenger got out the bus and go to their designated level. Mira ahead to area 3 were her school level be, “your registration ID please.” Mira took out her ID card for verification to registrant, he get the ID card and inserted in a CPU that is connected to the Main Computer of Gaia then the information appear on the monitor. “Your name is Mira Lycoris, 2nd year high school, Valedictorian and the leading student of Gaia, Wow! It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Lycoris.” The Registrant was surprise to meet a top ace in Gaia, “Thank you and enjoy schooling in Gaia.” Mira nod and take her ID card, she goes to her new class 2-A. The teacher come shortly and introduces, “I am Giovanni Webner. I will be your homeroom and Modern History teacher.” He started to check attendance, one by one he shout out their last name. “Collin! Here, Derek! Here, Ramous! Here, Helena! ...., Emily Helena!” still no one answer, “Hmm, absent in the first day of class.” Then a girl suddenly comes in, “so sorry I’m late!” The look at the late student and said “what your name miss?” The late girl reply, “Emily Helena”, Giovanni fixes his glass and said, “Miss Helena, good thing this only a class attendance, if this were a bus going to Gaia, your going to start force manual labor again.” Emily gone pale after hearing that,” sorry, I’m really sorry, it won’t happen again, I swear.” From everybody point of view, she look like about to cry. “Ok, take your seat before you make a scene here.” The strictly order her then she obediently go to her seat. After Giovanni taking attendance, he look at his wrist watch and said, “Its time for the principal speech.” He takes out a remote in his pocket then presses a button to lift the black board and show a 50 inch LCD flat screen television that it showing a middle age man sitting in his office. “Good Morning to old & new student of Gaia, I am Erik Von Atlas, the principal and the owner of Gaia.” The principal finish his introduction and he begin to make his speech, “This century of youths are truly aggressive, some become out laws while other are victim of there dark ways, that why Gaia was rebuild to bring back the discipline and respect, honor and wisdom to the youths and to the world of man kind, who are eroding from chaos. My children of Gaia let! Bring this chaotic world to a new order!” The speech was watch and heard to the whole island. Giovanni clapping with full of joy, but the others clap softly. (“That kind of speech is not a school principal speech, more like military dictator speech.”) Mira thought about it. She observe the reaction of her classmates, they all have the same facial expression, a bitter smile. (“Look like I’m not only the one who thinks about it.”) The teacher closes the television and put back the blackboard the way it was, “Ok everyone, by tomorrow class will start so don’t be late, Dismiss.”Everybody stand up and leaving the room. “Oh! Miss Lycoris.” Mira was called, “What is it teacher Webner?” she ask, “Ok, be straight with you, can you take care miss Helena as your room mate?”
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Phantasmagoria Chapter 1 part 3
The two snow golem rushes toward to her at the same time, the one with a katana try to slash her but she dodges it, the second attack from the side but Mira block the lance use her saber. After she blocks the second attack, she move away quickly from the two foes then analyze the situation. “Hmm. Look like they’re much better than the last ones, interesting.” Mira grin to the enemy, while wait to come near. The snow golems slowly encircle her and ready to attack. The katana wielder engages a battle to Mira, it tries to cut her head but she duck then do a swipe to its legs, the snow golem drop then Mira going to slash the incapacitate golem but it was block by the other golem to save its companion. “What!” Mira was surprise from the action of the snow golem, the one who is lying down back roll then stands up to attack full throttle. Mira defend herself from the rain of slashes then lance wielder about attack from the side, she decide to use the snow to distract the snow golems and go distant to them, “This guy’s are better than I expected, “pant” got to think a plan.” When Mira thinking a solution, Vane spoke up, “come now! Do not treat those two as mindless puppet; treat them as really person, as really enemy.” Vane look at her with serious eyes then Mira understand now. “Ok, I will make a worthy opponent to you two.” After Mira said that, she starts a different fighting stand. The snow golems rushes toward to her to finish the fight, but Vane smile and said “It’s already decided.” In one flash move from Mira, the snow golems shattered to pieces.”Bravo!” Vane applause to her victory, Mira sheathes her saber and gives back to Vane. “So, what you learned today?” Vane asks a question to Mira and she answered, “Don’t under or Overestimate your enemy, treat them a fair battle.” Vane smile and chuckle, “Correct answer!”Suddenly Mira starting to faded away in the field, “Aah!” Vane knows what the meaning of this event, “looks like your waking up.” Mira smiled bitter, “Yeah, see you next time.” Vane quickly replies “you too Mira.”Then she disappears in the dream world.
Phantasmagoria Chapter 1 part 2
Everybody goes silent after hearing this, “For a good example: I, myself, one who broke that law and here I am working as a guide in the end of my sentence.” Some of the passengers murmur, “It true that you’ll repeat a year?” the other person answer “Yeah, a friend of mine talk about one of his classmate got repeated to first year, when that person suppose to graduated to college.” Gasp, the other passenger, the murmur continue, then Emily stop their muttering with a announce “Attention! Everyone, we are going through the Arc Bridge that is famous for its 16 miles long and the only way to enter or exit Gaia.” All the people look at the bridge and some are amaze, “the bridge will sink down to the sea when the last bus arrive to Gaia and it will rise again on seasonal break or graduation day. We are arriving to Gaia in less than one hour.” Emily concludes her speech and sat on her seat. Mira gazes at the sea, little by little gone drowsy and fell asleep on her seat while leaning at the window. Mira stands again in the snowy field laugh at herself “he he, looks like I fell asleep in the bus again.” She look around to find a friend, whose here all the time, “Good Morning! Mira, fell asleep again in the bus, I presume?” Mira heard a familiar voice behind her, she turn around with a cheerful expression, “Good Morning! Vane, you talk sarcastic as usual.” Vane smile and talk back honestly, “Mira, I only talk like this, because of your attitude and their like your bad habit to sleep on public transport, we never know some person might take advantage of you.” Vane is trying to scare Mira, but she knew, he going to say that. “Vane, my seat mate is a girl! So it’s impossible to happen.” But Vane add more to the topic, “So your saying you like girl’s to advantage of you, Oho ho! You becoming a lesbian right now and a possible Yuri scene might happen at the bus right now.” Saying that with a face of a sadist, “NOOOOO!” she screams loud out, “I’m straight ok, I like guys more than girls.” Mira was so piss to just deny that topic while Vane laughing with victory. He takes out a booklet under his sleeve, writing down their score in a pissing game, “that will be 200 point for me and you are still 100 point since last year.” Vane is teasing Mira for her loss, “That because your already master how to make people mad in single sentence.” Mira points out the reason of defeat but Vane defend himself, “what you say is true but it’s not because I’m good at it, it’s because you are hot – temper and easily misunderstand by a person point of view like last night, you are just wearing black lingerie walking toward to me with a mischievous face and it scared me to think to Mira about to molest me!.” Vane said that while acting as the victim “SHUT YOUR TRAP! YOU EVIL MAN! ” She shouted at him in rage while Vane laughs again writing the score down. The truth about it that Mira forget to wear her pajama’s last night and Vane did not react a bit, just get some clothes to wear in the dream, “Ok, you win, what you want me to do?” Mira ask then Vane gives her a saber and said, “Let’s continue last night lesson, this time you need to defeat this two.” Vane wave his hands to the ground then two pole of snow rise up on the ground. The two pole of snow break down then appear two people made of snow, they holding a weapon too, one holding a katana and the other holding a lance. “Ok, Commence training, Begin!” After he said that the snow golem started to move to their fighting stance, while Mira unsheathe her saber and take her stand.
Phantasmagoria Chapter 1 part 1
Twelve years have gone by in a city called “Ether”, where the most talented and prestigious people gather at least 90% of the city. The other 10% are worker in-training and student, who must go to artificial island near Ether name “Gaia”, where most middle school, High school and College student stay until there Seasonal Break or Graduation day. In other words, Gaia is an island for student and worker in-training or a huge school institute. In the time spring break end all the student and worker in-training are headed to Gaia, in a alley near the electronic store, is where the Lycoris resident live in a small house and lot. In Mira’s room, she is still sleeping cover with a thick blanket, then there a knock on the door. “Mira, wake up! You’re going to be late!” Mira woke up on her bed, yawning and talking to herself.
“Morning Already, It’s would be better if I have self schooling at home than being in prison on Gaia, where the bed there are always new and hard to sleep.” She complains while walking half-asleep wearing black lingerie toward to the bathroom, washes her face then get dress her gray school uniform and Comb her green hair in a pony tail style on the right side. After Mira finish dressing, she goes down stair to greet her parents, “good morning! Mom and Dad, what’s for breakfast?” Her mother replies “we’re having toast with fried eggs.” Mira sit on her chair and eat breakfast, she finishes eating, bring her school bag and ask her Father, “Dad is my clothes and other stuff has been send to Gaia.” Mira Father replies “Yes, It’s been deliver since 4:00 am, my cute little daughter.” Mira talk back annoyed “Dad! I’m not you’re little girl anymore, I am 17 years old already, who happen to have a mature body.” Mira’s father answer back defeated, “Ok, ok, you’re right. Geez, time sure flies by and look at the time! You’re going to be late Mira.”Point’s at the clock, “Aah! I got to go mom, dad, see next break.” After saying it, she run toward outside. “Last! Bus leave’s to Gaia in 5 min!” Announce in the bus terminal, Mira rushes in the terminal and safe made into the bus, “Huff, Huff, I made it.” Mira saying it with relieve then the bus started to go towards Gaia, the Guide announced the daily information about Gaia to the passengers. “Good Morning to new and old student of Gaia, I am Emily; I’ll be your guide for this ride. First thing first for common knowledge for everyone that law in this city, on age of 14 to 20 must send to Gaia for them to study until they graduated. Of course, there are seasonal breaks, so all of you can visit your families.” The guide said it cheerfully then suddenly change tone, “but those who broken this law like did not make to bus or purposely did not go to Gaia will be punish and sentence for force labor without allowance within one year and repeat their previous school level.”
Twelve years have gone by in a city called “Ether”, where the most talented and prestigious people gather at least 90% of the city. The other 10% are worker in-training and student, who must go to artificial island near Ether name “Gaia”, where most middle school, High school and College student stay until there Seasonal Break or Graduation day. In other words, Gaia is an island for student and worker in-training or a huge school institute. In the time spring break end all the student and worker in-training are headed to Gaia, in a alley near the electronic store, is where the Lycoris resident live in a small house and lot. In Mira’s room, she is still sleeping cover with a thick blanket, then there a knock on the door. “Mira, wake up! You’re going to be late!” Mira woke up on her bed, yawning and talking to herself.
“Morning Already, It’s would be better if I have self schooling at home than being in prison on Gaia, where the bed there are always new and hard to sleep.” She complains while walking half-asleep wearing black lingerie toward to the bathroom, washes her face then get dress her gray school uniform and Comb her green hair in a pony tail style on the right side. After Mira finish dressing, she goes down stair to greet her parents, “good morning! Mom and Dad, what’s for breakfast?” Her mother replies “we’re having toast with fried eggs.” Mira sit on her chair and eat breakfast, she finishes eating, bring her school bag and ask her Father, “Dad is my clothes and other stuff has been send to Gaia.” Mira Father replies “Yes, It’s been deliver since 4:00 am, my cute little daughter.” Mira talk back annoyed “Dad! I’m not you’re little girl anymore, I am 17 years old already, who happen to have a mature body.” Mira’s father answer back defeated, “Ok, ok, you’re right. Geez, time sure flies by and look at the time! You’re going to be late Mira.”Point’s at the clock, “Aah! I got to go mom, dad, see next break.” After saying it, she run toward outside. “Last! Bus leave’s to Gaia in 5 min!” Announce in the bus terminal, Mira rushes in the terminal and safe made into the bus, “Huff, Huff, I made it.” Mira saying it with relieve then the bus started to go towards Gaia, the Guide announced the daily information about Gaia to the passengers. “Good Morning to new and old student of Gaia, I am Emily; I’ll be your guide for this ride. First thing first for common knowledge for everyone that law in this city, on age of 14 to 20 must send to Gaia for them to study until they graduated. Of course, there are seasonal breaks, so all of you can visit your families.” The guide said it cheerfully then suddenly change tone, “but those who broken this law like did not make to bus or purposely did not go to Gaia will be punish and sentence for force labor without allowance within one year and repeat their previous school level.”
Phantasmagoria "When Dreams Become Reality"
It Begin with a dream, were a 5 years old girl name Mira Lycoris is wandering in a vast snow field. The little girl thinking, where is this place? Mira started to call her parent, “Papa! Mama! ” She Shout repeatedly to call her parent but no one respond the call. Mira is feeling depress and started to cry as if like the child was abandon by her parent. On the snowy field come a dark shadow figure approach the helpless little girl then speak to her gentle yet cold word “Are you ok, little Miss?” Mira look to the dark person then nod “yes, I am fine but I think I’m lost, do you know were papa and mama go? Said with her teary eyes, the dark person chuckle and said “little miss, you’re not lost, you are in a place where most people go when they are sleeping, that are called Dreams.” Mira tilt her head and said “A dream? If this is a dream why can I feel and hold the snow?” She shows the made snowball on her little hand. “But not cold is it?” said by the dark person with a little grin on his face. Mira notice that the snow wasn’t cold at all but little warm, “A warm snow! Said it loud with surprise, “yes, it’s warm because it’s your dream; you want to play at the snow without catching a cold, Right.” Mira nod, “yes, I wish that on my birthday before I go to sleep.” The dark person smile gentle and said “So that why you’re here, however not all dream are like that, some come from deep emotion, some reflect the soul of one person and other show the past or future event. So someday when you sleep the dream that you wanted won’t be there because dream are unpredictable just like life.” Mira was amaze the speech that the dark person said, “but I won’t get bore of this dream, because you’re here mister, you’re not part of my wish” Mira smile cheerful. The Dark person smile and chuckle then said “you’re smart in such a young age little miss, what is your name young child?” She replies “my name is Mira Lycoris, what your name mister?” The darkness surround the person is gone, showing a dark red coat man wearing glasses with look of handsome model and Redhead; he replies “My name is Vane Veneficus excessum Arcanum, but you can call me Vane for short.” After introducing each other, the fated meeting will bring a change to Mira and Vane.
It Begin with a dream, were a 5 years old girl name Mira Lycoris is wandering in a vast snow field. The little girl thinking, where is this place? Mira started to call her parent, “Papa! Mama! ” She Shout repeatedly to call her parent but no one respond the call. Mira is feeling depress and started to cry as if like the child was abandon by her parent. On the snowy field come a dark shadow figure approach the helpless little girl then speak to her gentle yet cold word “Are you ok, little Miss?” Mira look to the dark person then nod “yes, I am fine but I think I’m lost, do you know were papa and mama go? Said with her teary eyes, the dark person chuckle and said “little miss, you’re not lost, you are in a place where most people go when they are sleeping, that are called Dreams.” Mira tilt her head and said “A dream? If this is a dream why can I feel and hold the snow?” She shows the made snowball on her little hand. “But not cold is it?” said by the dark person with a little grin on his face. Mira notice that the snow wasn’t cold at all but little warm, “A warm snow! Said it loud with surprise, “yes, it’s warm because it’s your dream; you want to play at the snow without catching a cold, Right.” Mira nod, “yes, I wish that on my birthday before I go to sleep.” The dark person smile gentle and said “So that why you’re here, however not all dream are like that, some come from deep emotion, some reflect the soul of one person and other show the past or future event. So someday when you sleep the dream that you wanted won’t be there because dream are unpredictable just like life.” Mira was amaze the speech that the dark person said, “but I won’t get bore of this dream, because you’re here mister, you’re not part of my wish” Mira smile cheerful. The Dark person smile and chuckle then said “you’re smart in such a young age little miss, what is your name young child?” She replies “my name is Mira Lycoris, what your name mister?” The darkness surround the person is gone, showing a dark red coat man wearing glasses with look of handsome model and Redhead; he replies “My name is Vane Veneficus excessum Arcanum, but you can call me Vane for short.” After introducing each other, the fated meeting will bring a change to Mira and Vane.
Author Introduction
Hi I,m Chev , I,ll be the Author of some story you about to read.
Well I,m just a Beginner to this Novel Writing so I don't expect to be a nice story,
but I will try my best to make my story, understandble, and fun reading.
So please take your time to read before comment it.
Well I,m just a Beginner to this Novel Writing so I don't expect to be a nice story,
but I will try my best to make my story, understandble, and fun reading.
So please take your time to read before comment it.
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